The extended deadline for hospitals to submit their hardship applications for the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program is approaching. Hospitals have until September 1 to file for a hardship for the 2019 reporting period and avoid negative payment adjustments in 2021. Available exceptions include extreme and uncontrollable circumstances, insufficient internet connectivity and use of decertified CEHRT.
As a reminder, a new hardship application is required for each reporting period in which a hospital was unable to demonstrate meaningful use of CEHRT. A hospital which is eligible and applies for a hardship for the 2019 reporting period must submit a new application in the event the hardship continues (or another hardship presents) in 2020 to avoid a subsequent negative payment adjustment. The most recent CMS Medicare Payment Adjustment and Hardship Fact Sheet can be viewed here for additional information about available payment adjustments and hardships for 2019 and 2020.
The current hardship application is again required to be completed online and can be found here. For additional information about available hardships, please view the CMS 2020 Medicare Hardship Application Fact Sheet which can be found here.
Critical access hospitals have a different timeframe for filing and do not need to submit their hardship applications until November 30th.