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OCR Will Address Almost Everything in HITECH Omnibus Rule
OCR Will Address Almost Everything in HITECH...
Class Action Sought for Charleston Area Medical Center Breach
Class Action Sought for Charleston Area Medical...
Sequestration of Sensitive Data with HIE: A New Jersey Pilot
One NJ HIE pilot is testing “plug in” software that scans data residing in the HIE repository and “tags” it where certain terms are found which correspond to rules developed around state and federal laws restricting access to such information unless certain pre-conditions have been met, such as the patient giving prior written consent. Once identified, the tagged data element, or document if it is not a discrete data segment, is removed from viewing, but leaving a “flag” noting that certain information is incomplete and that additional requirements need to be met before it can be accessed i.e., the patient’s affirmative consent has been obtained.
Maine Considers Opt-In Requirement for HIEs
Maine Considers Opt-In Requirement for HIEs ...
The Antitrust Headache: What ACOs, AT&T and Blue Cross have in Common
The Antitrust Headache: What ACOs, AT&T and...
Meaningful Use Missing for Behavioral/Mental Health
Meaningful Use Missing for Behavioral/Mental...
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