CVS in the HIPAA Spotlight…Again.
CVS in the HIPAA Spotlight…Again. On...
FTC & Attorney General Launch Inquiry into a Nevada ACO
FTC & Attorney General Launch Inquiry into a...
For Lack of a Proper “Print” Function – The Difficulties in Responding to Subpoenas to Produce the EHR
For Lack of a Proper “Print” Function – The...
NJ ACO Pilot Bill Approved by Senate Budget and Appropriations
NJ ACO Pilot Bill Approved by Senate Budget and...
One, Two HIPAA Penalty Punch from HHS and OCR
One, Two HIPAA Penalty Punch from HHS and...
Kansas Aligns State Privacy Laws with HIPAA as HIE Standard
Kansas Aligns State Privacy Laws with HIPAA as...
4.3 Million Penalty Assessed Under HITECH for HIPAA violations
4.3 Million Penalty Assessed Under HITECH for...
ONC Open Casting Calls
ONC Open Casting Calls Prepared by...
Accounting of Disclosures Proposed Rule up for Review: The Beginning of a Collective Sigh of Relief or Covered Entities’ Newest Nightmare?
Accounting of Disclosures Proposed Rule up for...
BCBS Plans Defend against Antitrust Class Actions
BCBS Plans Defend against Antitrust Class...
August Goes Out with a Bang: Stage 2 Final Rule & HIPAA Arrest
August Goes Out with a Bang: Stage 2 Final Rule...
CMS Meaningful Use Audits Begin; Stage 2 Rule Sent to OMB for Review
CMS Meaningful Use Audits Begin; Stage 2 Rule...
HHS Partners with Private Sector to Combat Healthcare Fraud
HHS Partners with Private Sector to Combat...
The ACA SCOTUS Decision in Plain English
The ACA SCOTUS Decision in Plain English ...
CMS Releases Additional Meaningful Use Guidance for EPs; Stage 3 Recommendations Underway
CMS Releases Additional Meaningful Use Guidance...
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