Reminder: Public Comment Period Open for Meaningful Use NPRM
Reminder: Public Comment Period Open for...
When Do Conduits Cross the HIPAA BA Line?
What Is a “Conduit” and When Do They Cross The...
CMS Announces Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for 2014 Certified EHR Technology Flexibility
CMS Announces Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for...
Webinar: HIPAA and HIT Best Practices for Hospital Executives & Board Trustees
Webinar: HIPAA and HIT Best Practices for...
CMS Extends Meaningful Use Hardship Extension Where Vendor Delayed with Certifying EHR Technology.
CMS Extends Meaningful Use Hardship...
Copiers result in $1.2 million settlement and CAP for Affinity Health
Copiers result in .2 million settlement and CAP...
Document Disposal Company Responsible for old Patient Records found in Park
Document Disposal Company Responsible for old...
WellPoint hit with $1.7 million for Security Weaknesses in Online Application
WellPoint hit with .7 million for Security...
ONC Sells Successes of Health IT Adoption to Congress in Annual Report
ONC Sells Successes of Health IT Adoption to...
Don’t Miss CMS’s Engagement Calls for Ongoing COVID-19 Developments
Need access to current information about COVID-19 and Medicare? CMS is holding stakeholder engagement calls to provide an opportunity for hospitals, health systems, and providers. The Webcast sessions are intended to provide updates, share best practices among peers, and offer attendees an opportunity to ask questions of CMS and other subject matter experts.
CMS Issues Telehealth Encounter Guidance for Quality Reporting Programs
New telehealth encounter guidance is available for the Promoting Interoperability Programs and Quality Payment Program. There are 42 telehealth codes eligible for inclusion within the eligible professional/eligible clinician eCQMs for the 2020 performance period. For the 2021 performance period, 39 telehealth codes would be eligible, however, there are also additional eCQMs identified as not eligible for telehealth encounters.
Why Privacy & Consent Will Remain a Central Hurdle to Health Info Exchange Despite the Info Blocking Rule
Under the Privacy Exception, an Actor is permitted to not fulfill a request received to access, exchange, or use EHI to protect an individual’s privacy. The sub-exception for a “precondition-not-satisfied” will continue to put state laws governing privacy and consent at the center of decisions about whether EHI will be shared with third parties. Healthcare providers and HIEs/HINs especially will need to ensure that they have identified and analyzed each legal precondition to the release of EHI that is applicable to the particular type of entity and type of information that is implicated.
Is Your Organization Ready to Send Patient Information to Apps by November?
Becker’s Hospital Review reported that 70% of CIOs are “concerned” about meeting the upcoming November 2nd deadline for complying with the Final Rules prohibiting information blocking practices. This is according to a survey conducted by CHIME, which included responses from executives at academic medical centers, critical access hospitals, multi-hospital systems and specialty hospitals. Although the survey did not appear to identify specifically what concerns CIOs about complying with information blocking rules by this fall, one possibility is fully understanding how ONC’s information blocking rules will apply to releasing patients’ EHI to third-party apps.
FDA issues COVID-19 Guidance for IRB Review of Expanded Access Requests; Updated Clinical Trial Conduct Considerations
The FDA has issued guidance for IRB review of...
WEBINAR: Learn Which HIPAA Policies to Revise for ONC’s New Information Blocking Rule, Plus More!
Join the NJ Chapter of HIMSS and Helen Oscislawski for this Webinar to get a lean and focused overview of what you need to do to comply with ONC’s and CMS’s final rules implementing the 21st Century Cures Act. On April 24, 2020, the OIG also released its Proposed Rule on CMPs to be imposed against Actors who engage in prohibited “Information Blocking.” These new rules turn on their heads certain HIPAA policies and procedures.
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