FTC Orders BetterHelp Health App to Pay $7.8M for Sending User Data to Facebook & Snapchat

FTC Orders BetterHelp Health App to Pay $7.8M for Sending User Data to Facebook & Snapchat

The FTC issued a proposed order requiring BetterHelp to pay $7.8 million to consumers to settle charges that it shared consumers’ health data with Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Criteo after promising to keep such data private and claiming it is “certified” as “HIPAA compliant.” The real juice of this case is in the FTC compliant — and HIPAA-covered providers, facilities & organizations can learn a lot about what to watch out for with health data Apps as we continue to march towards the FHIR.

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Not So Sunny News in Arizona –  Major Health Care System Agrees to Pay $1.25 Million HIPAA Settlement for Cybersecurity Hacking Incident from 2016

Not So Sunny News in Arizona –  Major Health Care System Agrees to Pay $1.25 Million HIPAA Settlement for Cybersecurity Hacking Incident from 2016

The forecast for Arizona is thunderstorms, at least for at least one health care system. Last week, OCR announced a $1.25 settlement for HIPAA Security Rule violations brought to light by a cybersecurity hacking incident that took place over five years ago.

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Is Your Organization Ready for an OCR HIPAA Compliance Review re: Use of Online Tracking Technology?

Is Your Organization Ready for an OCR HIPAA Compliance Review re: Use of Online Tracking Technology?

On December 1, 2022, OCR released a “guidance” Bulletin re: “Use of Online Tracking Technologies by HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates.” From it, we learned (among other things) that OCR believes that an individual’s IP addresses and geo location, collected by a regulated entity’s website, is protected by HIPAA. Now, we have come to learn that HIPAA compliance investigations by OCR are already underway concerning this topic. Are you ready?

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When Does a Health Care Provider Wear an HIE/HIN Hat for Purposes of the Info Blocking Rule?

When Does a Health Care Provider Wear an HIE/HIN Hat for Purposes of the Info Blocking Rule?

Under the Information Blocking Rule (IBR), a health information network (HIN) or health information exchange (HIE) type actor is one that “determines,” “controls,” or has the “discretion to administer” access, exchange or use of EHI between two or more unaffiliated entities. ONC has said that a separate entity is not necessary to trigger the IBR HIN/HIE definition of an Actor. Additionally, ONC has specifically pointed out that a health care system, for example, could wear two IBR actor hats: (1) as a health care provider, and (2) as a HIN/HIE.

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What Information Must be Made Available on Patient Portals?

What Information Must be Made Available on Patient Portals?

Well folks, the Information Blocking Rule (IBR) April 5th compliance deadline is behind us at this point.  However, I know that many of you are continuing to work through your top IBR challenges and questions one at a time.  At this point, I have worked through many thorny IBR issues with numerous health care providers and health information exchanges (HIE), so I thought it might be interesting for me to share what is the main topic that I see Actors are focused on. And the winner is …..

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Information Blocking Compliance — So What Happens on April 5th?

Information Blocking Compliance — So What Happens on April 5th?

The deadline for compliance with the Information Blocking Rule is just 12 days away!  I am certain that all the Actors are working feverishly and diligently to come into compliance with these new requirements by this fast-approaching date.  On the bright side, I suppose that we can all be relieved that ONC did not stick with its original deadline date of November 2, 2020.  However, even with the extra time Actors may still be scrambling to get all of their ducks in a row by April 5, 2021. So, what are the actual consequences if everything is not “buttoned-up” in time?

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NEW ONC FAQ:  Prior Agreements or Contracts CAN Implicate Information Blocking as of April 5th!

NEW ONC FAQ: Prior Agreements or Contracts CAN Implicate Information Blocking as of April 5th!

On and after April 5, 2021, any actor’s agreements, arrangements, or contracts are subject to and may implicate the Information Blocking Rule. The Communications Condition of Certification (CCOC) requirements must be revised to remove or void the contractual provision that contravenes the CCOC requirements whenever the contract is next modified for any reason. A Business Associate Agreement should generally not prohibit or limit the access, exchange, or use of the EHI for treatment.

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How to Use the Privacy Exception to Deny an Abuser Access to EHI

How to Use the Privacy Exception to Deny an Abuser Access to EHI

When an Actor wants to potentially deny access of EHI to a person who is suspected of some type of abuse of the individual (the “Abuser”) whose EHI is being sought, the natural inclination is want to look to the Information Blocking (IB) Rule’s Preventing Harm Exception to justify such denial.  However, the IB Rule’s Privacy Exception offers additional options and, in certain ways, more flexibility for the Actor to deny a suspected Abuser’s request for EHI.  

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Checklist for Info Blocking Compliance

Checklist for Info Blocking Compliance

Over the last few weeks, I have come across a number of health care provider organizations that are under the incorrect assumption or belief that their EMR vendor is “taking care of” all that needs to be done in order for the provider to comply with Information Blocking. This is false. There are operational decisions and other process issues that must be addressed and can only be implemented by the Actor. Every health health care provider that meets the definition of an “Actor” should be taking active steps towards getting their organization positioned to comply with Information Blocking by April 5, 2021. Where should you start?  I propose using a checklist as a simple starting point to begin “ticking off” your Information Blocking “to do” list . . .

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Threading the HIPAA Needle through Information Blocking to Block Patient Access when Data is Corrupted

Threading the HIPAA Needle through Information Blocking to Block Patient Access when Data is Corrupted

The Information Blocking (IB) Rule is intended to work in sync with HIPAA, including the “right of access” the Privacy Rule grants to patients with regard to access to their own protected health information (PHI).  However, as I continue to analyze how to implement various standards that overlap between these two regulations, questions about how to thread the needle on seemingly conflicting standards continues to come up. Today, I take a closer look at the difference between HIPAA’s “right of access” as compared to the Preventing Harm Exception found in the IB Rule. Specifically, this post considers how a covered entity health care provider . . .

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