“Psychotherapy Notes” may Come Out From the Drawer Currently, “psychotherapy notes” remains a very, very narrowly defined term under the Privacy Rule, and does not include general mental health information, including progress notes. The exact definition is: Psychotherapy notes means...
HHS Thinks Rite Aid Disposal Policies Are “In the Dumps”
HHS Thinks Rite Aid Disposal Policies Are “In the Dumps” Prepared by Krystyna Nowik. In a recent settlement agreement, Rite Aid Corporation and its affiliated entities have agreed to shell out $1 million in order to settle potential HIPAA violations. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR)...
HIE Liability and Insurance
HIE Liability and Insurance Liability continues to be a central concern for HIEs and their stakeholders. In general, liability may arise from the acts or omissions of a party that fails to meet a responsibility or legal duty. Last year, I discovered an excellent resource that...
Oh where, Oh where has the Security Breach Rule gone?
Oh where, Oh where has the Security Breach Rule gone? Today, I was going to draft a follow up article to my previous post to address whether notification was required under the Security Breach Notification Rule. However, when I sat down to begin typing, I discovered that the Breach Rule...
Aetna “forgets” file cabinet full of patient information
Aetna “forgets” file cabinet full of patient information A reminder to all covered entities out there that may be considering selling their business – don’t forget your file cabinet!! (or computers .. or disks … or seemingly “empty” boxes where PHI may be lurking.....well, you get the...
HIE Standard of Care — What You Don’t Join Can’t Hurt You.. or Could it?
HIE Standard of Care — What You Don’t Join Can’t Hurt You.. or Could it? It should come as no surprise that many providers are still leery about joining a HIE due to concerns over becoming potentially exposed to new liabilities. Questions such as “Who owns the data” “How can I be...
The 800-Pound HIE Gorilla Tiger in “Meaningful Use”
The 800-Pound HIE Gorilla Tiger in “Meaningful Use” There has been a lot of discussion around the Meaningful Use (MU) criteria. CMS has an entire website dedicated to the subject, as does ONC. Although the clinical criteria of MU may garner much of the attention, the privacy and...
HIE-ho, HIE-ho, it’s off to Court ACLU Goes
HIE-ho, HIE-ho, it’s off to Court ACLU Goes The Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health (RI-DOH) was sued last week in connection with RI-DOH’s proposed rules for implementing and enforcing the State’s health information exchange(HIE) under the Rhode Island Health Information...